"Current, authoritative, comprehensive, highly practical in its approach, a prime resource for medical practitioners."
The first eight chapters concentrate on the theoretical basis of teaching in a medical context. The objective is to enhance the learning process by adding an understanding of the basic principles of how adults learn and how they are motivated to the teacher’s wealth of experience, both as a teacher and a learner. They are equally valid to those who actively teach at the moment or wish to be involved in teaching in the future.
Chapters nine to fourteen consider teaching and learning in the clinical setting, either in hospital or general practice. Each has its own particular strengths and weaknesses and teachers have their own individual styles. Based on the preceding chapters, various teaching situations are discussed with a view to making the best use of the teaching opportunities which present themselves on a virtually daily basis.
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J.W. Rodney Peyton OBE
BSc(Hons) MSc(Educ) MD FRCS(Eng, Ed, Glasg & I) FRCP(Lond) PGDL
Tel: +44(0)28 8772 4177
Email: rpeyton@rpeyton.com
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