'The complexities and variable outcomes for the whiplash victim can be a most daunting area for those entering the field of medico-legal practice. Peyton has provided us with a clear and concise overview of the mechanism, symptoms, investigations, treatment and assessment of this complex area in a very readable style.' Lawyer and Head of Personal Injury
'I commend this work to all personal injury practitioners.' Fellow of the College of Personal Injury Law.
'It is a pleasure to review such a readable and useful book. This book fills a distinct gap in the literature on whiplash injuries.' Expert Witness Institute.
'There is sufficient information to enable legal representatives involved in personal injury claims, and their experts, to get to grips with some difficult issues which are apt to be thrown up by whiplash claims.' Expert Witness Institute.
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J.W. Rodney Peyton OBE
BSc(Hons) MSc(Educ) MD FRCS(Eng, Ed, Glasg & I) FRCP(Lond) PGDL
Tel: +44(0)28 8772 4177
Email: rpeyton@rpeyton.com
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