J.W. Rodney Peyton OBE
BSc(Hons) MSc(Educ) MD FRCS(Eng, Ed, Glasg & I) FRCP(Lond) PGDL
Tel: +44(0)28 8772 4177
Email: rpeyton@rpeyton.com

Expert Witness in Medico Legal cases
Mr Peyton has been involved in medico-legal reporting and court appearances as an expert witness since 1983, and is a Foundation Member of the Expert Witness Institute.
Over the last five years Mr Peyton has seen around 1,000 cases per annum including personal injury, RSI and medical negligence.
Medical Neglience Expert
Mr. Peyton gives lectures and participates in discussions as an invited speaker to groups of doctors and lawyers throughout the UK. In these talks he looks at the rules governing professions, the concept of medical negligence and the issues around informed consent.
Mr. Peyton is an exceptional educator, and was successful in relaying much needed information to members of my faculty. The course was complete, educational, and of substantial value to us as surgical educators. Your College is fortunate to have a dedicated and talented individual in Mr. Peyton. His skills as a trainer of trainers was most evident.
Richard M. Bell, MD, FACS Professor and Chairman,
Department of Surgery, University of South Carolina

International Speaker and Author
Mr. Peyton is an acknowledged international speaker on both trauma and educational issues who has been awarded Korte Gold Medal for services to the German Surgical Society and from the Swedish Surgical Society for services to Swedish Medical Education.
Mr Peyton is also proactive in assessing need within surgical education with a proven record of designing, marketing and implementing training strategies and programmes with national and international relevance.
He is the co-editor of the Cambridge Textbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine, author of five books and contributor of numerous chapters and articles in a variety of publications.
Consultant Trauma Surgeon
Mr. Peyton has over 40 years experience as a general/trauma surgeon, with a particular interest in trauma and laparoscopic techniques. He is an ATLS® instructor and educator.
He is also a world renowned expert on whiplash, and is the author of the book 'Whiplash' which is considered the definitive guide to the causes of whiplash, whiplash injuries and whiplash treatment.